Now the part I want to clarify, probably 95% of sims 4 content creators don’t track or doxx you!! I still want to share my knowledge though to help to understand it better. Not gonna lie, I don’t have very big knowledge on tracking, haven’t heard about it till a few days ago, I have no idea how it works exactly, I gathered all my knowledge after reading this postand its replies, so correct me if I am wrong. Please do read it and make changes to your information if needed! Your safety is the first, there is no doubt in that, there is a good post that summarizes how to safely pledge on patreonand what info creators see when you pledge to them.

I know the situation is alarming, and you want to act and judge quickly but I’d like to take a few minutes to help you understand the situation better and easier, as I see people panicking and unpledging from every creator, even without understanding what it is about. Patreon Sims CC Tracking - (trying to) help you understand the situation